Composers Q-R

(Click on composer's name for details & soundbites)

Quartet B-la-F

A Quartet by Korsakov, Liadov, Borodin & Glazunov

Presented to their patron M.P. Belaiev for his birthday with themes based on his name. Ingenious & attractive

Walter Rabl (1873-1940)

Violin Sonata in D Major, Op.6

A fine late romantic era work which deserves to be heard in recital.

Walter Rabl (1873-1940)

Eight Fantasy Pieces for Piano Trio, Op.2

Lovely and highly atmospheric works for in the grand tradition of Schumann. Not to be missed.

Walter Rabl (1873-1940)

Quartet for Piano, Clarinet (or Vla), Vln & Vc

Brahms awarded it a first prize in the 1896 Vienna Musicians competition. A charming & delightful work.

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Piano Trio No.1 in g minor

Subtitled "Élégiaque", this is a work full of passion and emotion in the typical Rachmaninov style.

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Piano Trio No.2 in d minor, Op.9

Written in memory of Tchaikovsky and also subtitled "Élégiaque", it powerful, passionate & highly dramatic

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

String Quartet No.1 (1889)

A lovely, atmospheric Romance full of Rachmaninov's use of chromaticism & and a light & bright Scherzo

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

String Quartet No.2 (1896)

A melancholy and sad Allegro followed by a powerful and dramatic funeral march full of pathos

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Romance for Violin & Piano, Op.6 No.1

A lovely work, highly romantic but not without a dramatic interlude.

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Danse Hongrois for Violin & Piano, Op.6 No.2

A brilliant and exciting show piece of the sort for which Rachmaninov was famous. Superb writing for the violin

Robert Radecke (1830-1911)

3 Fantasy Pieces for Cello (or Violin) & Piano, Op.7

In the Schumannesque tradition, these three excellent character pieces would make a superb recital hall choice in either version.

Robert Radecke (1830-1911)

Piano Trio No.2 in b minor, Op.33

A big work with appealing melodies, showing the influence of Schubert. Altmann says it will certainly find friends among amateurs

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Quartet No.1 in d minor, Op.77

A brilliant fusion of his two masters, Mendelssohn and Liszt, with a highly original sound palette.

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Quartet No.2 in A Major, Op.90

Praised by critics, with its beautiful melodies and original treatment in the Wagnerian tradition.

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Quartet No.3 in e minor, Op.136

The first of a set of three in which he breaks with the Wagnerites. A very effective Mendelssohnian work.

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Quartet No.4 in a minor, Op.137

The 2d of a set of three in which he breaks with the New German School. Exciting with appealing melodies

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Qt No.6 "In the Ancient Style", Op.192 No.1

A masterwork of its type. An extraordinary combination of old forms within the romantic idiom. A stunning work

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Qt No.7 "The Maid of the Mill", Op.192 No.2

Based on Schubert's song cycle "The Maid of the Mill." Was one of the most performed qts for over 50 years.

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Qt No.8 "Suite in Cannonic Form", Op.192 No.8

Hailed as a superb example of Raff's mastery of this form. An engaging Baroque Suite. Fun and easy to play.

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Sextet in g minor, Op.178

Exciting and dramatic, but full of lovely melodys and fine part writing. Great addition to this small repertoire

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

String Octet in C Major, Op.176

One of the very best octets in the literature. Exciting and dramatic with tinges of Mendelssohn & Liszt.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Trio No.1 in c minor, Op.102

Powerful, dramatic, full of wonderful melodies. A first rate work unjustly forgotten. Belongs in the concerthall

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Trio No.2 in G Major, Op.112

One of the best of the 19th cent and a staple of the repertoire. A brilliant work brimming with melodies.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Trio No.3 in a minor, Op.155

Recognized as a masterpiece at the time it was written,  unquestionably deserves revival. Hear the sound-bites.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Trio No.4 in D Major, Op.158

A vibrant, exiting work full of fresh, captivating ideas and deserving of concert performance.

Joachim Raff (1822-1882)

Piano Quartet No.1 in G Major, Op.202 No.1

Must be considered a major addition to the literature for piano quartet. Bright and buoyant with fine writing.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Quartet No.2 in c minor, Op.202 No.2

A towering, brooding work written on a big scale. Belongs to the first rank of the literature.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Quintet in a minor, Op.107

Predates Brahms & Dvorak. Hailed by contemporary critics as one of the best chamber wks since Beethoven.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Piano Quintet in a minor, Op.107

Written toward the end of his career, this is a real 'Barn Burner' sure to bring audiences to their feet applauding.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Romance No.1 for Cello & Piano, Op.182 No.1

TAn absolutely gorgeous work which takes full advantage of the cello's singing qualities. Wonderful recital or encore choice.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Two Fantasy Pieces for Cello & Piano, Op.86

Two evocative works, together the length of a short sonata but either can be played separately also as a recital piece.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Cello Sonata in D Major, Op.183

A big mid romantic era work and from this period there was nothing comparable save the sonatas of Gernsheim & Brahms.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Violin Sonata No.1 in e minor, Op.73

A powerful, dramatic work in the Beethovian tradition but expressed in the language of the mid romantics.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Violin Sonata No.2 in A Major, Op.78

A masterpiece of the sonata literature. Written on so grand a scale it could easily have been a concerto

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Violin Sonata No.3 in D Major, Op.128

A big romantic work, meant as a concert pieces and well deserving to be played in recital.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Violin Sonata No.4 "Chromatic" in g minor, Op.129

A powerful and very original sounding sonata all in one movement. A real tour d'force for the recital hall.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Violin Sonata No.5 in c minor, Op.145

Another fine work which belongs in the front ranks of the romantic violin sonata literature.

Joachim Raff  (1822-1882)

Six Morceaux for Violin & Piano, Op.85

Six character pieces, each a little gem. The famous Cavatina is the third.

Jean Philippe Rameau  (1683-1764)

Premiere Concert for String Sextet

His works for Harpsichord survive through this transcription and edition by Saint Saens. The first of six such works. Very effective.

Jean Philippe Rameau  (1683-1764)

Second Concert for String Sextet

The intimacy and charm of the French baroque era is conjured up by this music. Fun to play and hear.

François Rasse  (1873-1955)

Piano Trio in b minor, Op.16

A fine example of late Franco-Belgian romanticism which like Saint Saen's music doesn't rely on impressionism

Emile Ratez (1851-1934)

12 Pičces Pittoresques for Viola & Piano, Op.8

Wonderfully evocative little gems which can be played together in place of a sonata or any one can serve as a fine encore.

Emile Ratez (1851-1934)

Sonata for Viola and Piano, Op.48

A first rate work in the late French Romantic--not Impressionist--style. Written by violist, it makes an excellent recital choice.

Emile Ratez (1851-1934)

String Trio in B flat Major, Op.34

A very interesting work which owes nothing to impressionism but had some very modern tendencies.

Georg Rauchenecker (1844-1906)

String Quartet No.1 in c minor (1874

An enticing amalgam of Mendelssohnian and Wagnerian melody. Fresh and appealing.

Antonin Rázek (1852-1929)

Six Comic Pieces for String Quartet

Wonderfully conceived and executed, these are among the very best of this genre. You will be delighted and have fun as well.

Napoléon-Henri Reber  (1807-1880)

Piano Trio No.2 in E flat Major, Op.12

An example of French musical tastes during the July Monarchy. Well written, good melodies and not too difficult.

Napoléon-Henri Reber  (1807-1880)

Piano Trio No.3 in g minor, Op.16

An appealing and highly exciting work once part of the standard repertoire. Deserving revival & concert performance, audience pleaser.

Napoléon-Henri Reber  (1807-1880)

Piano Trio No.4 in D Major, Op.25

Reber's trios became so popular that publishers demanded he create an alternate viola part in lieu of the cello. A fine work.

Napoléon-Henri Reber  (1807-1880)

Piano Trio No.5 in C Major, Op.30

Beautiful work an example of French musical tastes mid 19th century. Also has alternate viola part

Napoléon-Henri Reber  (1807-1880)

Piano Trio No.6 in E Major, Op.34

Late French romantic era. A link between Onslow & Saint Saens. Also for Viola part in lieu of cello

William Henry Reed  (1875-1942)

Legende for String Quartet (1923)

Combines British pastoral music a la Vaughn Williams with more robust ideas a la Paul Dukas

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Clarinet Sonata No.1 in A flat Major, Op.49 No.1

A lovely work Inspired by Brahms' clarinet sonatas but in his own language. By turns full of high spirits & dreamy.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Clarinet Sonata No.2 in f# sharp minor, Op.49 No.2

Equally as fine as the First, but more melancholy with a reflective elegance.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Romanze in G Major for Violin & Piano (1902)

This short work finds Reger in one of his more traditional and melodic moods

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Sonata in B flat for Clarinet or Violin & Piano, Op.107

Hailed as beautiful and deeply felt idyll by critics, this is one of Reger's most approachable works.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

String Trio No.1 in a minor, Op.77b

One of the modern masterpieces for string trio. Cleverly mixes traditional & modern tonalities & harmonies.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

String Trio No.2 in d minor, Op.141

This one is another modern masterpiece for string trio. More concise, Reger's writing is beyond reproach.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

String Quartet No.1 in g minor, Op.54 No.1

Reger explores paths of post-Brahmsian tonalities in this powerful, exciting and highly original work.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

String Sextet in F Major, Op.118

A highly important, groundbreaking work. Modern, yet within traditional tonal framework. Brilliantly conceived

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Clarinet Quintet in A Major, Op.146

One of the finest of its type. Reger's tribute to Brahms. Not to be missed, an early 20th century gem.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Trio for Violin, Viola & Piano in b minor, Op.2

From his early period and inspired by Brahms, here is a first class, very appealing late romantic work.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Piano Trio in e minor, Op.102

A massive, highly original work which belongs in the front rank of 20th century piano trios.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Piano Quartet No.1 in d minor, Op.113

A tonally pioneering work in which Reger rejects atonality. A highly original modern masterpiece.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Piano Quartet No.2 in a minor, Op.133

Rejecting atonality, Reger set himself the task of imaging the path Brahms might have taken had he lived longer. First rate.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Piano Quintet No.1 in c minor (1898)

An early work showing the influence of Brahms and the late Romantic era. Worthy of concert performance.

Max Reger  (1873-1916)

Piano Quintet No.2 in c minor, Op.64

Written 4 years after the first, Reger builds on his goal of finding a new path. An intriguing & compelling work.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

Trio in E flat Major for 3 Cellos

A big work with fine writing for all three parts combines Viennese classicixm with certain Italian elements.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

Piano Trio No.1 in C Major, Op.47

An impressive work with appealing melodies, drama and excitement. Excellent part-writing for all.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

Piano Trio No.2 in E flat Major, Op.101 No.1

His melodies have all of the appeal of Mozart's but his conception of the piano trio and part writing are like those of Beethoven's.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

Piano Trio No.3 in d minor, Op.101 No.2

Original & fresh, Beethoven's only contemporary, who like him, treated the strings as equals to the piano.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

Piano Trio No.4 in C Major, Op.101 No.3

The third of this impressive set of piano trios dating from 1824 with all of the qualities of the first two.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

La Pantomime for String Quartet (1806)

An original fantasia in which the music alone is meant to portray a tale. Good for concert & homeo.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

Quatuor Scientifique (1806)

He experiments with tonality, creating a new style of baroque forms and fugues. Nothing like it the literature

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

String Quartet in c minor, Op.49 No.1

His response to his friend Beethoven's Op.18 No.4. Very different though & ahead of its time.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

String Quartet in E Major, 95 No.1

Very different from his earlier quartets. An example of post Napoleonic Parisian taste in chamber music.

Anton Reicha  (1770-1836)

String Quintet (2 Violas) in F Major, Op.92 No.1

For the time, this work is as extraordinary and original as were Beethoven's Late Quartets. Highly original

Johann Friedrich Reichardt  (1752-1814)

String Trio in B flat Major, Op.1 No.3

An example of the Mannheim compositional tradition as filtered through the Berlin style of Frederick the Great's court.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Violin Sonata in e minor, Op.116

In the Schumannesque tradition with excellent writing and appealing melodies. Would do well in recital.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Three Fantasy Pieces for Viola & Piano, Op.43

Schmannesque & Mendelssohnian romantic character pieces. Fine writing, suitable for recital.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Sonata No.1 for Cello (or Violin) & Piano in a, Op.42

One of the best of the romantic era sonatas, the equal of the Mendelssohns

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Sonata No.2 for Cello & Piano in D Major, Op.89

First rate all the way. By turns dark and brooding, then joyful. A highly effective repertoire work.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Sonata No.3 for Cello & Piano in G Major, Op.238

Dedicated to the memory of Brahms. Hailed by critics as one of the finest late romantic cello sonatas.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Three Pieces for Cello & Piano, Op.146

Lovely, romantic character pieces a la Schumann which belong in the recital hall.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Introduction & Allegro for Clarinet & Piano, Op.256

Composed for the same player, Richard Mühlfield, for which Brahms had written his sonata. A beautiful work of the first order

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

String Trio in c minor, Op.249

Probably the greatest late-romantic string trio ever written. Rich & densely scored, it often sounds like four.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Piano Trio No.1 in D Major, Op.38

If upon hearing this trio you were told it was by Mendelssohn, you would believe it.r.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Serenade No.1 in C Major for Piano Trio, Op.126 No.1

One hears echoes of his mentor Schumann in these tuneful works which present no technical difficulties.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Serenade No.2 in a minor for Piano Trio, Op.126 No.2

Here and there are echoes of his famous teacher Felix Mendelssohn. Another very appealing work.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Three Light Piano Trios, Op.159

Lovely Schmannesque works, good part-writing, easy to play, make fine recital works, especially for amatuers

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Trio in a minor for Oboe (Vln), Hn (Vc) & Piano, Op.188

The Chamber Music Journal calls it "masterly" and "first rate in every way". Not to be missed!

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Trio in D Major for Clarinet, Viola & Piano, Op.264

An outstanding work for this combination. Late romantic work with fine part writing.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Trio in Bb Major for Cln (Vln), Hn (Vla) & Piano, Op.274

Superb post-Brahmsian, late romantic masterpiece. Can be played in 4 combinations-very effective in each

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

String Quartet No.1 in E flat Major, Op.16

A well-written appealing work showing the influence of his mentorsMendelssohn & Schumann. Full of youthful vigor.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

String Quartet No.2 in F Major, Op.30

A very well-written work in the tradition of of his mentor Schumann. Full of excitement and tuneful melodies.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

String Quartet No.3 in C Major, Op.132

From his middle period (1874), this appealing work builds on the influence of Mendelssohn but also shows developing trends.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

String Quartet No.4 in D Major, Op.211

Echoes of Schumann and Brahms in this appealing work well suited for amateur players.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

String Quartet No.5 in g minor, Op.287

Composed in the year of his death, it is hard to believe that this powerful and brooding work was composed by an 85 year old.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Serenade in g minor for String Nonet, Op.242

At the age of 74, when most composers were done writing works, Reinecke was producing outstanding music, this is an example.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Piano Quartet No.1 in A Major, Op.34

A Schmannesque work highly praised by Altmann and recommended for concert performance & amateurs.

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Piano Quartet No.2 in D Major, Op.272

Intended as "lighter" piano quartet, it is nonetheless a concert work. Concisely excuted without an extra note

Carl Reinecke  (1824-1910)

Piano Quintet in A Major, Op.83

A first rate work which can hold its own with the Schumann. Will be enjoyed by amateurs & pros alike.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

Piano Trio No.1 in d minor, Op.25

Speaking of Reissiger's gift for melody, as one critic put it, seldom equaled and never best. A gorgeous work in every respect.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

Piano Trio No.7 in E Major, Op.85

Combines elements of Schubert & Beethoven. Great part-writing, lovely melodies, fun to play.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

Piano Trio No.15 in G Major, Op.164

A superb early romantic piano trio. Beautiful melodies, fine part-writing. A sure audience pleaser.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

Piano Quartet No.2 in c minor, Op.70

Full of beautiful melodies and good part-writings. Audiences will love it as will amateurs who play it.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

String Quartet No.1 in A Major, Op.111 No.1

The first of a set of three which sold out withint weeks of publication. Good for concert as well as home.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

String Quartet No.2 in b minor, Op.111 No.2

Schumann praised it for the appealing melodies and noted it was in the tradition of Mozart, Spohr & Onslow.

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger  (1798-1859)

String Quartet No.4 in f minor, Op.155

A mid Romanic era gem by on of Schubert and Beethoven's contemporaries. Highly praised by Altmann

Ottorino Respighi  (1879-1936)

Cinque Pezzi (Five Pieces) for Violin & Piano (1906)

The 1st set (see below) was so popular that he was inspired to write a second set equally as effective.

Ottorino Respighi  (1879-1936)

Sei Pezzi (Six Pieces) for Violin & Piano (1902)

Each strikes a different mood. Wonderfully expressive. Perfect for the recital hall.

Ottorino Respighi  (1879-1936)

Violin Sonata in b minor (1917)

Italian lyricism is crossed with newer tonalities and striking rhythmic effects to create an original work.

Ottorino Respighi  (1879-1936)

Ancient Airs & Dances Suite No.3 for Str Qt or Qnt

Few know that Respighi also intended it to be played by either a string quartet or string quintet.

Ottorino Respighi  (1879-1936)

String Quartet in D Major (1907)

The seeds of Respighi's later style can be found here. Italian in conception and highly romantic.

Amadee Reuchsel  (1875-1931)

Sextet for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon & Piano

A work which contributed to Reuchsel winning the 1908 Chartier Prize for Chamber Music. Easy & Fun to play.

Maurice Reuchsel  (1880-1968)

String Trio in g minor (1910)

An important and original sounding trio from the late French romantic. Good part-writing, fine program choice

Prince Heinrich XXIV Reuss  (1855-1910)

Trio for Violin, Viola & Piano in A Major, Op.25

BCalled the Trio Brahms never got around to writing, this beautiful and grateful to play work belongs in concert and the stands of amateurs.

Prince Heinrich XXIV Reuss  (1855-1910)

String Quartet No.4 in g minor, Op.23 No.1

Brahmsian mid-late romantic era work, well-written and staight forward to play.

Prince Heinrich XXIV Reuss  (1855-1910)

String Quintet Quartet No.5 in E flat Major, Op.23 No.2

Excellent mid-late Romantic era work. Very well-written and not techically difficult. Good for concert or home.

Prince Heinrich XXIV Reuss  (1855-1910)

String Quintet (2 Violas) in F Major, Op.4

A 1st rate work, fine part-writing, appealing melodies, tinges of Brahms, Mendelssohn & Hungarian folk music

Prince Heinrich XXIV Reuss  (1855-1910)

String Sextet No.2 in b minor, Op.17

A Masterpiece belonging in the very front rank of sextets. Hailed by critics as the equal of the Brahms sextets. Not even diffiuclt to play.

Emil von Reznicek  (1860-1945)

String Quartet No.1 in c minor (1883)

A fiery and exciting work. Impressive in performance and fun to play.

Emil von Reznicek  (1860-1945)

String Quartet No.2 in c# minor (1921)

A brilliant early modern work combining the last of Romanticism with adventurous tonalites and ideas.

Emil von Reznicek  (1860-1945)

String Quartet No.3 in d minor (1922)

Highly recommended for both concerthall and home, Updated Schubertian melody with gypsie episodes.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Cello Sonata in C Major, Op.92

A big full-blooded mid-late (1875) Romantic work. Belongs in the repertoire. A must for cellists.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Violin Sonata No.1 in E flat Major, Op.77

Once a staple of the recital literature, it deserves to return. A gorgeous, highly appealing and effective work

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Violin Sonata No.2 in e minor, Op.105

Another big Romantic work which would do well in the recital hall. Good melodies and fine part writing.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Piano Trio No.1 in d minor, Op.34

Full of fire and youthful energy complete with an alla ongarese finale featuring gypsy melodies.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Piano Trio No.2 in A Major, Op.112

An very fine work which deserves revival. Gorgeous melodies with excellent part-writing.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Piano Trio No.3 in B flat Major, Op.121

Hailed by the critics as a first rate work. It would do well in the concert hall as well as with amateur trios.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Piano Trio No.4 in F Major, Op.191

Once part of the repertoire. Unjustly forgotten after WWI, Of the highest caliber belongs in concert hall.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Piano Quartet in E flat Major, Op.38

An acknowledged masterpiece of the literature. Wonderful to play, original, tuneful and effective.

Joseph Rheinberger  (1839-1901)

Piano Quintet in C Major, Op.114

Worthy of taking a place alongside the piano quintets of Brahms & Dvorak. A first class work.

Joseph Rheinberger (1839-1901)

Theme & Variations for String Quartet, Op.93

Universally considered the finest set of variations for string quartet and a masterpiece not to be missed.

Joseph Rheinberger (1839-1901)

String Quartet No.1 in c minor, Op.89

Highly original. Exotic because of the unusual rhythms which dominate the music. First rate and fresh.

Joseph Rheinberger (1839-1901)

String Quartet No.2 in F Major, Op.147

A first rate work with a huge fugue as fine, if not finer than Beethoven's Grosse Fuga.

Joseph Rheinberger (1839-1901)

String Quintet (2 Violas) in a minor, Op.82

Unqualified masterpiece. As fine as any romantic period work for string quintet. Hear the sound-bites.

Joseph Rheinberger (1839-1901)

Nonet  for Winds & Strings in A Major, Op.139

One of the very best works every written for this combination. Fine part-writing and appealing melodies.

Franz Xaver Richter (1709-1789)

String Quartet in C Major, Op.5 No.1

Historically important work in which composer shows how to give the lower voices interesting parts.

Franz Xaver Richter (1709-1789)

String Quartet in B flat Major, Op.5 No.2

The second of this historically important set in which all of the voices are treated equally. A fine work.

Franz Xaver Richter (1709-1789)

String Quartet in A Major, Op.5 No.3

The third of this ground breaking set in which the composer treats the voices as equals.

Giulio Ricordi (1840-1912)

Piano Trio in A Major (1903)

A powerful and tuneful work from the famous music publisher who unfortunately had little time to compose

Hugo Riemann (1849-1919)

String Quartet No.1 in a minor, Op.26

A fine mid Romantic era quartet from perhaps the most important music theorists & musicologists who ever lived.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Trio No.1 in E flat Major, WoO 70 No.1

Composed at a time when Ries was studying with Beethoven & Albrechtsberger (1804) showing the influence of Haydn

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Quartet No.11 in E flat Major, WoO.10

Composed several years before his String Qt No.1, while still studying with Beethoven, it shows the influence of B's Op.18

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Quartet No.1 (No.12) in F Major, Op.70 No.1

This work shows off the first violinist, besides being a virtuoso pianist, Ries was also an excellent violinist. Many original touches.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Quartet No.2 (No.13) in G Major, Op.70 No.2

An appealing work, with good part writing for all, appealing melodies and a very exciting finale.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Quartet No.7 (No.18) in a minor, Op.150 No.1

Ries' quartets, as this one clearly shows, deserve concert performance and will appeal to amateurs. A fine work

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Quartet No.8 (No.19) in c minor, Op.150 No.2

Beethovian, powerful and dramatic. This is a first rate work which would do well in the concert hall and deserves presentation

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

String Quintet (2 Violas) No.2 in d minor, Op.68

A fine work, well-written with good part-writing, fetching melodic material and much excitement. Good for both concert and home.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Trio in B flat for Clarinet or Violin, Cello & Piano, Op.28

A fine, late classical-early romantic work written in the style of early Beethoven.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Trio in E flat for Flute, Cello & Piano, Op.63

Elegant and charming, a work designed to entertain the upper classes of England. Fun to play and hear.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Piano Trio No.1 in E flat Major, Op.2

The equal of the late Mozart and early Beethoven piano trios, this work belongs in the concert hall and is also good for amateurs

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Piano Quartet No.1 in F Major, Op.13

If you did not know this work & someone told you that Beethoven had written it, you would believe them. Good for concert & home.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Piano Quartet No.2 in E flat Major, Op.17

A Beethovian work that combines the style of the Vienna classics with the fiery passion of early romanticism

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Piano Quartet No.3 in e minor, Op.129

Dating from 1820, this is as fine a piano quartet as you will find from the early Romantic period. Good for the concert hall & home.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Quintet for Piano, Vln, Vla, Cello & Bass, Op.74

Here is another piano quintet with the rare Schubert "Trout" instrumentation for your consideration.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Sextet for Piano, 2Vlns, Vla, Cello & Bass, Op.100

Requires an accomplished pianist but this is a sure concert hall hit. Variaitons on The Last Rose of Summer

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Flute Quartet No.1 in C Major

What makes this work one of the best of its kind is that Ries treatment of the strings which is better than most from this era.

Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)

Flute Quartet No.4 in d minor

One of the best works from this period (1826) for this ensemble. Attractive melodies, original touches, and good part writing

Franz Ries (1846-1932)

String Quartet No.1 in d minor, Op.5

Appealing melodies and good part-writing from a composer who was himself the leader of a string quartet

Franz Ries (1846-1932)

String Quintet (2 Violas) in c minor, Op.28

A first rate work by the grandson of Ferdinand and a fine composer in his own right. Good for concert or home,

Hubert Ries (1784-1838)

Trio for 2 Violins & Cello in C Major, Op.24 No.1

A very well written mid-romantic era, Schumannesque  work by the brother of Ferdinand & father of Franz.

Hubert Ries (1784-1838)

Trio for 2 Violins & Cello in G Major, Op.24 No.2

Another serviceable romantic era trio for 2 violins & cello, Effectively written for all three voices.

Hubert Ries (1784-1838)

Trio for 2 Violins & Cello in g minor, Op.25 No.1

A lovely work in the mid-romantic style of early Schumann and Mendelssohn.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)

Piano Trio in c minor (1897)

One of the very best piano trios from the late Russian romantic period. A big, beautiful highly effective work.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)

String Quartet No.1 in F Major

From the master's early period. Well put together. An appealing work easy to play and good part writing.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)

In the Monastery for String Quartet

The 4th movement from his unpublished 2nd String Quartet. Based on Russian Orthodox Church song.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)

String Sextet in A Major

A light-hearted, youthful work, full of gaiety, which is fun to play.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)

Quintet in Bb Major for Pno, Fl, Cln, Hn & Bsn

Elegant & light with really attractive melodies. This work should be on the list of all Piano & Wind quintets.

Georg Wenzel Ritter (1748-1808)

Quartet No.5 in G Major for Bsn, Vln, Vla & Vc

The fifth of a set of sixs which was designed to show off the bassoonist's skills. Mozart was influenced by them.

Josef Rixner (1902-1973)

Spanischer Marsch for Piano Trio

From the golden era of salon music a wonderful choice for an encore

Pierre Rode (1774-1830)

String Quartet No.4 in G Major, Op.18

With appealing melodies and easy to play, Rode intended this work for home music making. Good for amateurs and students.

Clara Kathleen Rogers (1844-1931)

Violin Sonata in d minor, Op.25

Had this sonata had been written by a known composer, it would have entered the repertoire. A very fine work.

Alexis Roland-Manuel (1891-1966)

Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello (1922)

A first rate and rare example of a string trio from the late Imperssionist period. Good for concert and home.

Alessandro Rolla (1757-1841)

String Trio in G Major, BI 347

An excellent example of the late 18th century Italian concertante styles. Each instrument receives solos

Alessandro Rolla (1757-1841)

String Trio in B flat Major, BI 351

A concertante trio a la Paganini. Lovely melodies with many fine solos for each voice.

Andreas Romberg (1767-1821)

Piano Quartet in d minor, Op.19

Haydn wrote no piano quartets, so it could be jokingly said his friend Romberg wrote one for him.

Andreas Romberg (1767-1821)

String Quartet No.1 in E flat Major, Op.1 No.1

The prestigious Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung wrote it could stand comparison to those qts of Haydn & Mozart

Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841)

Cello Sonata No.1 in e minor, Op.38 No.1

This lovely sonata by one of the leading celiists of the early 19th century was the inspiration for Brahms sonata

Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841)

Cello Sonata No.2 in G Major, Op.38 No.2

This sonata combines singing lyricism with several virtuosic opportunities for the cellist to shine.

Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841)

Cello Sonata No.3 in B flat Major, Op.38 No.3

A lovely work which takes full advantage of the cello's singing qualities with a true Polonaise for a finale.

Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841)

Cello Sonata No.4 in B flat Major, Op.43 No.1

A lyrical work which makes only very modest technical demands. Good recital choice for intermediate cellist.

Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841)

Cello Sonata No.5 in C Major, Op.43 No.2

Lyricism and some moderate virtuosity combine to make an excellent choice for recital

Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841)

Cello Sonata No.6 in G Major, Op.43 No.3

Two appealing outer movements sandwich one of the most beautiful early romantic andantes ever written.

Engelbert Röntgen (1829-1897)

String Trio on Ashkenazic Themes

Highly emotive, evocative and effective trio. Well written for all three voices. A superb pick for the concert hall.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Cello Sonata No.2 in a minor, Op.41

A must for the recital hall. First rate late Romantic work wonderfully written for both the cello & piano.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Cello Sonata No.5 in b minor, Op.56

Powerful and passionate late romantic (1907) era work sure to make a strong impression in the recital hall.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.1 in D Major, Op.76

Combines modern tonalities with baroque and old-fashion structure to achieve an unusual effect.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.2 in a minor "Dvorak" (1918)

Superb work, makes great concert program selection but also suitable for amateurs--World Premiere Edition

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.3 in e minor (1919)

A bright and pleasant work both to play and to hear. Good for concert and for home--World Premiere Edition

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.4 in D Major "Walzer Suite" (1919)

A set of six short dance episodes considing of updated, lovely waltzes and ländlers--World Premiere Edition

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.6 in f# minor (1920)

Another 1st rate work for the concert hall. By turns full of pathos and excitement--World Premiere Edition

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.7 in G Major (1920)

Predates No.1 and was intended for a concert before local audiences. Appealing melodies & fine part writing.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Trio No.16 in c# minor (1930)

His last string trio, written at age 75. Yet still masterful, wonderfully written & full of original ideas, very fine--World Premiere Edition

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

String Quartet in a minor (1874/1885)

A highly appealing mid/late Romantic era work from a young composer who was under the influence of Brahms & Schumann

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Wind Trio in G Major, Op.86

Written in a neo-classical style, the trio is perfectly balanced and makes a wonderful concert work.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Serenade for Winds (Fl, Ob, Cln, 2Hn & 2Bsn), Op.14

Brahms attended a performance & was so impresssed with this work, that he borrowed a theme for his own serenade.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Piano Trio No.2 in B flat Major

A superb Romantic era work, first class all the way. Great part writing and melodies. A must for concert and home.

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Piano Trio No.6 in c minor, Op.50

1904 Concours International de Music prize winner. Hailed as a masterwork by The Chamber Music Journal

Julius Röntgen (1855-1932)

Piano Quintet No.2 in a minor, Op.100

A late romantic work, dark but  lyrical, with appealing melodies and good part writing. Not difficult technically, good for concert or home

Joseph-Guy Ropartz (1864-1955)

Cello Sonata No.2 in a minor (1919)

A late romantic work which does not really draw on French impressionism. Quite effective.

Joseph-Guy Ropartz (1864-1955)

Violin Sonata No.2 in E Major (1917)

The music of the composer's native Brittany permeates this emotive work. Interesting and engaging.

Joseph-Guy Ropartz (1864-1955)

Piano Trio in a minor (1918)

A highly individualistic work. Intricate and dense writing builds on the models of Debussy & Franck.

Joseph-Guy Ropartz (1864-1955)

String Quartet No.1 in g minor (1893)

Combines Breton folk melody with the chromaticism of Cesar Franck to achieve fresh and original effects.

Jakob Rosenhain (1813-1894)

String Quartet No.3 in d minor, Op.65

A well-written mid-romantic era work, by turns exciting, dramatic. Good part-writing for all.

Jakob Rosenhain (1813-1894)

Am Abend, A Tone Poem for String Qt or Quintet, Op.99

A highly effective, emotive short work which tells the story of a young man who has planned a secret meeting with his lover.

Nikolai Roslavets (1881-1944)

Piano Trio No.3 (1925)

His best know piano trio. Here he eschews the outbursts of violence for a calm lyricism.

Nikolai Roslavets (1881-1944)

String Quartet No.1 (1913)

From one of the 1st if not the 1st Russian modernist. An astounding work well ahead of its time (1913)

Solomon Rosowsky (1878-1962)

Fantastic Dance for Piano Trio, Op.6

Based on a Russian-Jewish folk melody, this is a highly effective and evocative free form work of medium length.

Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)

Une Larme for Violoncello and Piano

First writing for both instruments. Operatic, exciting. lyrical. All you could want in a recital showpiece.

Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)

3 Quartets for Flute, Clarinet, Horn & Bassoon

A new addition of the famous arrangement of his string sonatas, done shortly after the originals were published


Albert Roussel (1869-1937)

Divertissement for Wind Quintet and Piano, Op.6

Well ahead of its time (1905), this charming work already shows the signs of neo-classicism. Good for concert

Márk Rózsavölgy (1789-1848)

Serkentó, A Hungarian Csárdás for String Quartet

A true encore piece from the most important Hungarian composer of the 19th century.

Márk Rózsavölgy (1789-1848)

Elsö Magyar Társas Táncz 6 Ballroom Dances for Str Qt

Part of our Dance Series. These charming dances were intended to compete with those of Strauss & Lanner

Ludomir Różycki (1883-1953)

Cello Sonata in a minor, Op.10

An interesting blend of late Romanticism and the newly emerging modernism. Fine writing for both instruments.

Ludomir Różycki (1883-1953)

Rhapsodie for Piano Trio, Op.33 (1913)

Powerful very late Romantic era work combining traditional tonality with the beginnings of modern trends

Ludomir Różycki (1883-1953)

Piano Quintet in c minor, Op.35

Superb neo-romantic work which definitely belongs in the concert repertoire.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Cello Sonata No.1 in D Major, Op.18

Influenced by Mendelssohn but certainly the equal of those sonatas. Lovely melodies and convincing writing.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Cello Sonata No.2 in G Major, Op.39

By turns lyrical, impassioned and dramatic. Fine writing and good melodies. A good recital choice.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Viola Sonata in f minor, Op.49

Lush and lyrical, taking full advantage of the violas timbre and singing quality. A great addition to the repertoire.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Violin Sonata No.1 in G Major, Op.13

Rubinstein's First Violin Sonata is a showcase for both the violinist & the pianist. A first rate recital work.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Violin Sonata No.2 in a minor, Op.19

Dedicated to the Belgian violin virtuoso Henri Viexutemps, this youthful work is full of passion and energy.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Violin Sonata No.3 in b minor, Op.98

A big powerful work full of excitement and drama. An excellent candidate for the recital hall.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Violin Sonata No.4 in D Major, Op.18b

Dating from the early 1850's, this is an engaging Mendelssohnian work. Appealing melodies

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Trio No.1 in F Major, Op.15 No.1

A fine work, very effective, with attractive melodies, excellent part writing, it would be a success in concert.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Trio No.2 in G Major, Op.15 No.2

Highly praised by critics who argue it should be in the repertoire. Beautiful melodies and good part writing.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Trio No.3 in B flat Major, Op.52

Triumphed at its premiere & for half a century held a place in the standard repertoire. Heroic and lyrical.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Trio No.4 in A Major, Op.85

This is an outstanding work exciting and compelling from start to finish. Many very original ideas.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Trio No.5 in c minor, Op.108

A big work, dramatic and powerful in conception which is sure to impress in the concert hall

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Quartet in C Major, Op.66

One of Rubinstein's most popular works. And was in the standard repertoire up until the First World War.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Piano Quintet in g minor, Op.99

A massive, dramatic work with many unusual ideas which makes a powerful impression.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Quintet for Piano and Winds in F Major, Op.55

A 1st class, big work for flute, clarinet, horn, bassoon & Piano. Superb part writing, excellent melodic material. Not to be missed.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

String Quartet No.1 in G Major, Op.17 No.1

Shows the influence of his heroes, Mendelssohnand Schumann but it is not imitative. One of the composer's best early works.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

String Quartet No.2 in c minor, Op.17 No.2

By turns lyrical and highly dramatic. Full of fresh ideas and appealing melodies.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

String Quartet No.3 F Major, Op.17 No.3

Like the others in this set, the music has fetching themes and good part-writing for all. Good for concert performance or home.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

String Quartet No.4 in G Major, Op.47 No.1

The 1st of a set of three in which introduces Russian folk melodies. A fine work, deserves concert performance but good for home too

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

String Quartet No.5 in B flat Major, Op.47 No.2

The 2nd of this set with fetching melodies, original ideas, good part writing and rustic Russian folk dance melodies.

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

String Quartet No.6 in d minor, Op.47 No.3

The last this set combines echoes of Mendelssohn with rustic Russian folk dance melodies. Several original touches

Rudolf Archduke of Austria (11788-1831)

Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano in E flat Major (1814)

Student, friend and patron of Beethoven, this trio is a valuable addition to the repertoire of clarinet trios from the classical era.

Ernst Rudorff (1840-1918)

String Sextet in A Major, Op.5

A beautiful and tuneful work, good parts for each instrument, good for the concert hall as well as amateurs

Adolf Ruthardt (1849-1934)

Trio for Oboe, Viola and Piano, Op.34

A lovely and engaging late romantic work with appealing melodies and very good part-writing

Joseph Ryelandt (1849-1934)

Piano Quintet in a minor, Op.32

A 1st rate work from start to finish with good part writing & appealing melodies. Good for concert & home


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