
Julius Zellner


Piano Trio No.3 in c sharp minor, Op.46

For Violin, Viola and Pian or Violin, Cello and Piano

Julius Zellner won the first prize of the prestigious Vienna Composers Society in 1887 and two years later in 1889 won the coveted Beethoven Prize for chamber music. Who were the judges who decided that his chamber music merited these prizes--none other than Johannes Brahms and Robert Fuchs, two of the greatest composers of the era. So, it is no exaggeration to say that Zellner and his music were held in the highest esteem during the last two decades of the 19th century and up to the First World War. Music publishers vied to bring out his works. Yet today, his name and his music have all but disappeared, like those of so many other fine composers whose music was unfairly shoved in oblivion in the reaction against all things from the Romantic era after World War One. Julius Zellner (1832-1900) was born in Vienna and lived most of his life in that city. His family steered him towards a business career but he changed courses early on and by the mid 1850s was working as a piano teacher and composer in Vienna. There are at least 50 published works including symphonies, a piano concerto and a considerable amount of chamber music.


Piano Trio No.3 in c sharp minor dates from 1893. His first two trios were for the standard combination of violin, cello and piano. This trio, however, was intended for violin, viola and piano. This was because the dedicatee, Dr. Hans Schmidtkunz, asked his friend Zellner for a trio with this a combination. Zellner complied, however, his publisher realized that such a a work for such an ensemble would not sell as many copies as if it had been for a standard piano trio of violin, cello and piano.  Hence  his publisher asked Zellner to also create a part for cello as a replacement for the viola. This he did and the trio is equally effective in both versions. The trio is in three movements---Allegro con brio, Andante and Allegro molto agitato.


This is not only a superb work for the underserved combination of violin, viola and piano but it is also a first rate work for a standard piano trio.


(A) Violin, Viola & Piano $29.95
(B) Violin, Cello, & Piano $29.95
(C) All Four Parts $34.95



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