
Alexander Borodin



Please note, the

soundbite though

similiar is from

a slightly different

version than our

arrangement and

is only useded for

illustrative purposes

Introduction and Gliding Dance of the Polovtsian Maidens

For Piano Quintet

The Polovtsian Dances are from Borodin’s opera Prince Igor. The work remained unfinished at the time of his death in 1887, although he had worked on it for more than a decade. A performing version was prepared by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Alexander Glazunov in 1890. Several other versions of the opera have been made. The dances are generally performed in act 1 or act 2, depending on which version of the opera is being used. The music became extraordinarily popular and often given in concert as an orchestral showpiece and in many other arrangements, including piano solo, piano trio, piano quartet, piano quintet, string quartet etc. etc.  The arrangement makes a lovely encore or short work.

 Parts: $24.95

Parts $12.95





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